

词组 come alive or come to life
释义 come alive or come to lifev.1informal To become alert or attentive; wake up and look alive; become active. 〖非正式〗警觉起来;振作起来;活跃起来。◆ When Mr. Simmons mentioned money, the boys came alive.西蒙斯先生提到钱的时候,男孩子们都来了劲。◆ Bob pushed the starter button, and the engine came alive with a roar.鲍勃揿了一下启动装置的按钮,发动机轰的一声便开动起来了。2To look real; take on a bright, natural look. 看上去像真的;栩栩如生。◆ Under skillful lighting, the scene came alive.在巧妙的灯光照耀下,舞台布景看上去就像真的一样。◆ The president came alive in the picture as the artist worked.画家画着画着,画中的总统就活了起来。




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