

词组 closed shop
释义 closed shopn. phr.1A plant or factory that employs only union workers. 只雇用工会会员的工厂。◆ Our firm has been fighting the closed shop policy formny years now.我们公司多年来一直反对只雇用工会会员的作法。2A profession or line of work dominated by followers of a certain mode of thinking and behaving that does not tolerate differing views or ideas. (由信奉某种思维和行为方式而排斥不同观点者支配的)封闭式职业(或行业)。◆ Certain groups of psychologists, historians, and linguists often behave with a closed-shop mentality.某些心理学家、历史学家和语言学家群体往往表现出一种排斥不同观点的封闭心态。




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