

词组 clay pigeon
释义 clay pigeonn. slang, informal 〖俚〗〖非正式〗1A popular target at practice shooting made of clay and roughly resembling a pigeon; an easy target that doesn't move. 泥鸽(练习射击用的泥制盘形飞靶);易射中的非移动靶。◆ All he can shoot is a clay pigeon.他只能射中非移动靶。2A person who, like a clay pigeon in target practice, is immobilized or is in a sensitive position and is therefore easily criticized or otherwise victimized. 处于挨打地位的人;容易受攻击的人;容易受捉弄的人。◆ Poor Joe is a clay pigeon.可怜的乔是个易受攻击的人。3A task easily accomplished like shooting an immobile clay pigeon. 容易完成的任务。◆ The math exam was a clay pigeon.那次数学考试很容易。




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