

词组 check in
释义 check inv.1aTo sign your name (as at a hotel or convention). (在旅馆、会议等处)登记,报到。◆ The last guests to reach the hotel checked in at 12 o'clock.最后到达旅馆的一批客人于12点办理了登记手续。1binformal To arrive. 〖非正式〗到达。◆ The friends we had invited did not check in until Saturday.我们邀请的朋友直到星期六才到。2To receive (something) back and make a record of it. 收回并登记。◆ The coach checked in the football uniforms at the end of the school year.教练在学年结束时收回了橄榄球队的队服。◆ The students put their books on the library desk, and the librarian checked them in.学生们把书放在图书馆的桌子上,图书馆员把它们收回注销。




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