

词组 push the envelope
释义 push the envelopev. phr.To strain a delicate situation to the utmost; engage in exaggerated demands. 挑战极限;把弦绷得过紧;提出过分的要求。◆ If you want to succeed with these difficult peace negotiations, you had better stop pushing the envelope.如果你们想在这些棘手的和平谈判中取得成功,你们最好不要把斗争的弦绷得过紧。◆ "You're pushing the envelope!" John warned his colleague. "The boss will not listen to you if you won't stop."“你提出的要求太过分了!”约翰告诫他的同事说。“如果你还是这样,老板是不会听你的。”




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