

词组 spell out
释义 spell outv.1To say or read aloud the letters of a word, one by one; spell. 把(一个词)的字母一个一个地大声说(或读)出来;拼写出。◆ John could not understand the word the teacher was saying, so she spelled it out on the blackboard.约翰不懂老师说的那个词,因此她把它拼写在黑板上。2To read slowly, have trouble in understanding. 缓慢地读;理解有困难。◆ The little boy spelled out the printed words.小男孩把那些印出来的词缓慢地读出来。3informal To explain something in very simpie words; explain very clearly.〖非正式〗用非常简单的话解释;清楚地说明。◆ The class could not understand the problem, so the teacher spelled it out for them.班上的同学不懂那个问题,所以老师用非常简单的语言对他们作了解释。




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