

词组 coast along
释义 coast alongv. phr.1Of cars, boats, and planes: To proceed without having to adjust the flow of fuel, as when one sets one's car at a certain speed by using the cruise control. (汽车、船等)滑行;(飞机等)靠惯性飞行。◆ We were comfortably coasting along at 60 m. p. h.我们以每小时60英里的速度很舒服地驾车滑行。2Of people: To advance without any special effort. (人)毫不费力地前进。◆ John is no longer trying to achieve anything new in life; he is just coasting along.约翰已不想在生活中有什么新的作为;他只是在悠闲地过日子。3Of businesses, establishments, etc.: To advance without effort. (生意、企业、机构等)毫不费力地进展。◆ Work at the shop is just coasting along these days.这些日子店里的工作只是在磨磨蹭蹭地进行。




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