

词组 catch one's death of or take one's death of
释义 catch one's death of or take one's death ofv. phr.informal To become very ill with (a cold, pneumonia, flu). 〖非正式〗患致命的病(重感冒、肺炎、流感)。◆ Johnny fell in the icy water and almost took his death of cold. — Sometimes used in the short form "catch your death."约翰尼落入了冰水中,得了重感冒,差一点丧命。有时用简略式“catch your death”。◆ "Johnny! Come right in here and put your coat and hat on. You'll catch your death!"“约翰尼!马上进来穿上外衣戴上帽子。不然你会得重感冒的!”




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