

词组 catch on
释义 catch onv. informal 1To understand; learn about. — Often used with to. 理解;明白;知道。——常与to连用。◆ You'll catch on to the job after you've been here awhile.你在这儿待上一段时间后,就会知道如何做这个工作了。◆ Don't play any tricks on Joe. When he catches on, he will beat you.不要对乔耍任何花招。他明白了以后会揍你的。2To become popular; be done or used by many people. 流行起来;受欢迎。◆ The song caught on and was sung and played everywhere.这首歌流行起来了,到处都在唱,都在演奏。3To be hired; get a job. 受雇;得到工作。◆ The ball player caught on with a big league team last year.这名球员去年受雇于棒球联合总会的一支强队。




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