

词组 catch flak or take flak
释义 catch flak or take flakv. phr.To draw fire from an air defense gun as it shoots at enemy bombers, hence to be in for criticism by others. (指轰炸机)受到高射炮的轰击;遭受批评。◆ The American B-52 bombers took a lot of flak over Germany during World WarⅡ. 第二次世界大战期间,美国的B-52轰炸机在德国上空遭到高射炮的猛烈轰击。◆ Joe's father has just come home late and he's catching flak again from his disgruntled wife.乔的父亲刚刚很晚才回家,正再次受到不满的妻子的严厉批评。




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