

词组 call up
释义 call upv. (stress on up) (重读up) 1To make someone think of; bring to mind; remind. 使人想起;使人回忆起。◆ The picture of the Capitol called up memories of our class trip.这张国会大厦的照片使人回忆起我们班级的那次旅行。2To tell to come (as before a court). 传讯。◆ The district attorney called up three witnesses.地方检察官传讯了3位证人。3To bring together for a purpose; bring into action. 召集;征召入伍。◆ Jim called up all his strength, pushed past the players blocking him, and ran for a touchdown.吉姆集中全力,从对方阻挡他的几名球员身边挤过,奔至底线触地得分。◆ The army called up its reserves when war seemed near.战争临近时,军队征召其后备军人伍。4To call on the telephone. 打电话给。◆ She called up a friend just for a chat.她打电话给一个朋友,只是为了聊天。




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