

词组 call one's shot
释义 call one's shotv. phr.1To tell before firing where a bullet will hit. 开枪前说出子弹将击中何处。◆ An expert rifleman can call his shot regularly.熟练的步枪手一般都能在开枪前说出自己将会击中何处。◆ The wind was strong and John couldn't call his shots.风太大,约翰不能肯定他能射中何处。2or call the turn To tell in advance the result of something before you do it. 预言事情的结果。◆ Mary won three games in a row, just as she said she would. She called her turns well.玛丽说她将连胜3局,结果真就连胜了3局。她的预言很准。




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