

词组 big as life or large as life
释义 big as life or large as lifeadj. phr.1or life-size The same size as the living person or thing. 与真人(或实物)一般大小。◆ The statue of Jefferson was big as life.杰弗逊的塑像与真人一般大小。◆ The characters on the screen were life-size.银幕上的人物与真人一样大小。2or big as life and twice as natural informal In person; real and living. 〖非正式〗亲自;确确实实。◆ I had not seen him for years, but there he was, big as life and twice as natural.我已多年没见他了,但他确实是在那儿,一点不假,正是他本人。




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