

词组 stars in one's eyes
释义 stars in one's eyesn. phr.1An appearance or feeling of very great happiness or expectation of happiness. 极快乐的表情;幸福感。◆ Mary gets stars in her eyes when she thinks of her boyfriend.玛丽一想到她的男朋友,眼里就闪烁着幸福的光芒。2A belief in the possibility of quick and lasting reforms in people and life and an eagerness to make such changes. 过分乐观的想法;不切实际的幻想。◆ Some inexperienced people get stars in their eyes when they think of improving the world. — starry-eyed adj. Very happy and excited, perhaps with little reason; eager and self-con-fident about improving human nature and general conditions of life.有些没有经验的人在想到改进世界时,脑子里充满了不切实际的幻想。过分乐观的;不切实际的。◆ Young people are often starry-eyed and eager to improve the world; they do not know how hard it is.年轻人往往不切实际,过于乐观,急于改造世界;他们不知道这有多难。




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