

词组 pickup
释义 pickupn., (stress on pick) (重读pick)1A rugged, small truck. 小卡车,轻型货车。◆ When he got into the lumber business, Max trade in his comfortable two-door sedan for a pickup.经营木材生意后,马克斯把他那辆舒适的两门小轿车折价贴换了一辆小卡车。2Scheduled meeting in order to transfer merchandise or stolen goods. (转让商品或赃物的)交接碰头;提货。◆ The dope pushers usually make their pickup on Rush Street.毒品贩子通常在拉什街进行交接。3A person who is easy to persuade to go home with the suitor. 娼妓;(为调情而)偶然结识的人。◆ Sue is said to be an easy pickup.据说苏是个很容易勾搭上的性伙伴。




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