

词组 fall in or into place or fall together
释义 fall in or into place or fall togetherv. phr.1To suddenly make sense; find the natural or proper place for the missing pieces of a puzzle. 突然变得有头绪;变得清晰起来。◆ When the detectives realized that a second man was seen at the place of the murder, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.当警探们意识到在谋杀现场有第二个人被看到时,令人困惑的难题便一下子变得清晰起来。2To result in the best possible arrangement or situation. 安排停当;情况顺利。◆ Peter was glad that everything fell together at the job interview, just as he had expected.彼得很高兴,因为求职面试时,正如他所预料的那样,一切都很顺利。◆ All the arrangements for our trip around the world have finally fallen into place, so we are finally able to leave.为我们环球旅行所作的安排一切就绪,所以我们终于可以出发了。




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