

词组 off the phone
释义 off the phoneadj. phr.Finished; through; having stopped talking. 打完电话。◆ "Please let me know when you're off the phone," John said to his wife. "I have to make some important calls."“请告诉我你什么时间能打完电话,”约翰对妻子说。“我有几个重要的电话要打。”◆ "Get off the phone, you chattering teenager!" John yelled at his sixteen-year-old daughter, who kept talking on the phone for hours.“电话好挂断了,你这个年纪轻轻的话匣子!”约翰对着他16岁的女儿大声喊道,因为她抱着电话已经讲了好几个小时。




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