

词组 natives are restless
释义 natives are restlessThe locals are in a rebellious mood; taken from colonial days when certain African tribes rebelled against the British; used in other contexts. — A proverb. 〖谚〗(源自殖民时代某些非洲部落对英国殖民者的造反)土著人要造反;看样子有麻烦。◆ "What's happening on campus?" Professor Brown asked. "Why is everyone talking so excitedly?" "The natives are restless," a colleague answered, "because they forced the chancellor to resign over the budget."“校园里出什么事啦?”布朗教授问。“为什么每个人讲话都这么激动?”“看样子有麻烦,”一位同事回答说,“因为他们因预算的事已强迫校长辞职。”




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