

词组 line up
释义 line upv. phr. (stress on up)(重读up)1To take places in a line or formation; stand side by side or one behind another; form a line or pattern. 排队;排列。◆ The boys lined up and took turns diving off the springboard.男孩们排好队依次从跳板上跳下水。2To put in line. 把…排成一行。◆ John lined up the pool balls.约翰将台球排列成行。3To adjust correctly. 调正,校准。◆ The garage man lined up the car's wheels.修车人将汽车轮子调正了。4ainformal To make ready for action; complete a plan or agreement for; arrange. 〖非正式〗为行动作好准备;完成;安排。◆ The superintendent lined up all the new teachers he needed before he went on vacation.教育局长将所需的新教师都安排妥当后才去休假。4binformal To become ready for action; come together in preparation or agreement. 〖非正式〗准备实行;一起准备;联合起来。◆ Larry wanted to go to the seashore for the family vacation, but the rest of the family lined up against him.拉里想要全家一起去海滨度假,但家人一致反对。




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