

词组 in the hole
释义 in the holeadv. or adj. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1aHaving a score lower than zero in a game, especially a card game; to a score below zero. (尤指在牌戏中)得负分。◆ John went three points in the hole on the first hand of the card game.约翰第一手牌就负了3分。1bBehind an opponent; in difficulty in a sport or game. 落后于对手;(比赛中)陷入困境。◆ We had their pitcher in the hole with the bases full and no one out.我们满垒无人出局使对方的投手陷入困境。2In debt; behind financially. 欠债;亏空;财政窘迫。◆ John went in the hole with his hot dog stand.约翰的热狗摊子亏了本。




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