

词组 make the punishment fit the crime
释义 make the punishment fit the crimePunishment should not be too severe or too light; it should be measured and proportional to the transgression committed. — A proverb. 〖谚〗使罪罚相当;以罪量刑。◆ In the Middle Ages if someone stole a chicken, his or her hand was cut off as punishment. It's probably worth two weeks in jail, but no more. The judges back then didn't know how to make the punishment fit the crime.在中世纪时,如果某人偷了一只鸡,就要被剁去手以示惩罚。偷只鸡也许只是蹲两周监狱的事。而那时候的法官不知道该如何以罪量刑。




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