

词组 go along
释义 go alongv.1To move along; continue. 进行;继续。◆ Uncle Bill made up the story as he went along.比尔叔叔一边在讲故事一边在往下编。2To go together or as company; go for fun. — Often used with with. 同行,一起走;寻乐。——常与with连用。◆ Mary went along with us to Jane's house.玛丽和我们一起去了简的家。3To agree; cooperate. — Often used with with. 赞同;合作。——常与with连用。◆ "Jane is a nice girl." "I'll go along with that," said Bill.“简是个好姑娘。”“我同意这种说法,”比尔说。◆ Just because the other boys do something bad, you don't have to go along with it.不要因为别的男孩干坏事你就非得跟着干不可。




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