

词组 give someone the eye
释义 give someone the eyev. phr. slang 〖俚〗1To look at, especially with interest and liking. 用爱慕的目光看某人;对某人抛媚眼;向某人送秋波。◆ A pretty girl went by and all the boys gave her the eye.一个漂亮女孩走过,所有的男孩都用爱慕的眼光看着她。2To look or stare at, especially in a cold or unfriendly way. 冷冷地看某人;冷冷地瞪某人一眼。◆ Mrs. Jones didn't like Mary and didn't speak. She just gave her the eye when they met on the street.琼斯太太不喜欢玛丽,也不跟她讲话。她们在街上相遇时,她只是冷冷地瞪她一眼。




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