

词组 wild horses would not drag it from me
释义 wild horses would not drag it from meNo power on earth can make me give away the secret, or to divulge it. — A proverb. 〖谚〗休想从我我这里探得口风;我决不会泄露秘密。◆ "Do you know where grandpa buried the sixteen gold bullions after the bank robbery?" Fred asked his older brother. "I do," came the answer, "but wild horses would not drag it from me."弗雷德问他哥哥:“你知道在银行抢劫案之后爷爷把那16根金条埋藏在哪里了吗?”哥哥回答说:“我知道,但谁也休想从我这里探得口风。”




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