

词组 who pays the piper calls the tune
释义 who pays the piper calls the tuneWhoever has the means to pay for something has the power to decide what will be done and how. — A proverb. 〖谚〗谁出钱,谁点唱;谁出钱,谁有支配权;谁出钱,谁说了算。◆ Mr. Willoughby bought two hundred acres of undeveloped land to be converted into lots for private homes. Many people don't like his plans, but as the saying goes, "Who pays the piper calls the tune."威洛比先生买了200英亩未开发的土地,要把它变成建造私人住宅的地块。许多人不喜欢他的计划,但俗话说得好,谁出钱谁就有了支配权。




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