

词组 give someone his rights or read someone his rights
释义 give someone his rights or read someone his rightsv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1The act of advising arrested criminals that they have the right to remain silent and that everything they say can be held against them in a court of law; that they have the right to the presence of an attorney during questioning and that if they can't afford one and request it, an attorney will be appointed for them by the state. 向被捕的罪犯宣读其依法享有的权利(有权保持沉默,有权在接受审问时有律师在场等)。◆ The cops gave Smith his rights immediately after the arrest.警察在逮捕史密斯后立即向他宣读了他依法享有的权利。2To sever a relationship by telling someone that he or she can go and see a divorce lawyer or the like. 断绝关系时叫对方去找律师。◆ Sue gave Mike his rights before she slammed the door in his face.苏叫迈克去找离婚律师,然后便砰的一声把他关在了门外。




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