

词组 let out
释义 let outv.1aTo allow to go out or escape. 放走,释放。◆ The guard let the prisoners out of jail to work in the garden.看守将犯人们放出来到花园里干活。◆ Mother won't let us out when it rains.下雨的时候母亲不让我们出去。1binformal To make (a sound) come out of the mouth; utter. 〖非正式〗发出。◆ A bee stung Charles. He let out a yell and ran home.一只蜜蜂刺了查尔斯。他大叫一声跑回了家。◆ Father told Betty to sit still and not let out a peep during church.父亲叫贝蒂坐好,在做礼拜时不许发出声音。2To allow to be known; tell. 使被知道;泄露;说出。◆ I'll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.你要是泄露了这个秘密,我就再也不会告诉你别的了。3To make larger (as clothing) or looser; allow to slip out (as a rope). 放大(衣服),放松;放长(绳子)。◆ Father hooked a big fish on his line. He had to let the line out so the fish wouldn't break it.父亲钓到了一条大鱼。他不得不把钓鱼线放松,这样鱼才不致把它挣断。4informal To allow to move at higher speed. 〖非正式〗使加快速度行进。◆ The rider let out his horse to try to beat the horse ahead of him.骑手放马飞奔,想超过他前面的那匹马。5informal To dismiss or be dismissed. 〖非正式〗解散;放学;散场。◆ The coach let us out from practice at 3 o'clock.教练让我们3点钟结束了训练。◆ I'll meet you after school lets out.放学后我和你碰头。




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