

词组 what do you take me for?
释义 what do you take me for?v. phr.informal, asked in indignation What sort of an idiot do you think I am? What sort of a person do you think I am? 〖非正式〗你以为我是傻瓜吗?你把我看作什么人了?◆ When the comptroller at the firm found that there was a missing sum of $250,000, he confronted Ted: "Did you have anything to do with this loss?" "What do you take me for?" Ted replied indignantly."当公司财务总管发现少了一笔25万美元的款项时,他当面问泰德:“你跟这笔钱的缺失有关系吗?”“你把我看作什么人了?”泰德愤怒地回答说。




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