

词组 let loose
释义 let loosev.1aor set loose or turn loose To set free; loosen or give up your hold on. 释放;放开。◆ The farmer opened the gate and let the bull loose in the pasture.农夫打开门,把那头公牛放到牧场上去。1bor turn loose To give freedom (to someone) to do something; to allow (someone) to do what he wants. 给(某人)以自由;放任。◆ The children were turned loose in the toy store to pick the toys they wanted.孩子们得到允许在玩具店任意挑选他们想要的玩具。1cTo stop holding something; loosen your hold. 松手。◆ Jim caught Ruth's arm and would not let loose.吉姆抓住露丝的手臂不肯松手。2ainformal To let or make (something) move fast or hard; release. 〖非正式〗使(某物)快速移动;发射。◆ The fielder let loose a long throw to home plate after catching the ball.外场手接球后迅速将球投向本垒。2binformal To release something held. 〖非正式〗放出。◆ Those dark clouds are going to let loose any minute.那些乌云随时会降下倾盆大雨来。3informal To speak or act freely; disregard ordinary limits. 〖非正式〗任意说话(或行动);痛痛快快地说。◆ The boss told Jim that some day she was going to let loose and tell him what she thought of him.老板告诉吉姆总有一天她要痛痛快快地说出她对他的看法。




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