

词组 where there is muck, there is money
释义 where there is muck, there is moneyDirt and industrial pollution are closely associated with money. — A proverb. 〖谚〗要挣钱就别怕脏;发财别怕脏;怕脏不发财。◆ "I hate to live in Gary, Indiana," Jane complained to her husband. "There is so much air pollution here." "That's true, darling," her husband, an oil engineer, replied, "but you mustn't forget that where there is muck, there is money."“我不喜欢住在印第安纳州的加里市,”简对她的丈夫抱怨说。“这里的空气污染太严重了。”“你说得很对,亲爱的,”她那当石油工程师的丈夫回答说,“但你别忘了,要发财就别怕脏。”




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