

词组 keep up
释义 keep upv.1aTo go on; not stop; continue. 继续,持续;不停止。◆ The rain kept up for two days and the roads were flooded.雨连着下了两天,路上积满了水。1bTo go on with (something); continue steadily; never stop. 保持;坚持。◆ Mrs. Smith told John to keep up the good work.史密斯太太叫约翰继续好好干。2aTo go at the same rate as others. 并驾齐驱。◆ John had to work hard to keep up.约翰必须努力工作才能跟上别人。2bTo keep (something) at the same level or rate or in good condition. 使(某物)保持同等水平(或比例或良好状态)。◆ Grandfather was too poor to keep up his house.祖父太穷,无法修缮他的房子使其保持良好状况。3To keep informed. — Usually used with on or with. 知悉;了解。——通常与on或with连用。◆ Mary is interested in politics and always keeps up with the news.玛丽对政治很感兴趣,一直关注着新闻。




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