

词组 get to
释义 get tov. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1To begin by chance; begin to. — Used with a verbal noun or an infinitive. 偶然开始;开始。——与动名词或不定式连用。◆ I got to know Mary at the party.我是在那个晚会上开始认识玛丽的。◆ I was just getting to know John when he moved away.我刚认识约翰,他就搬走了。2To have a chance to; be able to. 有机会;得以;能够。◆ The Taylors wanted to go to the beach Saturday, but it rained and they didn't get to.泰勒一家本想周六去海滨,但因下雨而未能成行。◆ Did you get to see the king?你见到国王了吗?




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