

词组 in time
释义 in timeadv. or adj. phr.1Soon enough. 及时。◆ We got to Washington in time for the cherry blossoms.我们到华盛顿时正好赶上樱花盛开。◆ We got to the station just in time to catch the bus.我们到达车站时正好赶上了公共汽车。2In the end; after a while; finally. 最终;经过一段时间之后;终于。◆ Fred and Jim did not like each other at first, but in time they became friends.弗雷德和吉姆最初并不喜欢对方,但他们最终成了朋友。3In the right rhythm; in step. 有节奏地;合拍。◆ The marchers kept in time with the band.游行者合着乐队的拍子前进。




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