

词组 to eyeball
释义 to eyeballv. phr.1To stare at someone or something as if wishing to get to know one or acquire the item viewed; ogle. 目不转睛地注视;贪婪地盯着看。◆ "Stop eyeballing that waitress," Tom warned his friend, Ted. "Do you want to be thrown out of the bar?"“别一直盯着那位女侍者看,”汤姆警告他的朋友泰德。“难道你想被人逐出酒吧吗?”2To look over sb.'s shoulder; control sb.'s behavior. 监视(某人);监督(某人)。◆ I really hate it when my mom eyeballs me while I'm doing homework.我真的很讨厌我妈妈在我做作业的时候监视我。




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