on faith
on faith
adv. phr.
Without question or proof. 毫不怀疑地;未经证实地。
◆ He looked so honest that we accepted his story on faith.
bring into line
bring into play
bring into the open
bring off
bring on
bring or wheel in or out or up the big guns
bring out
bring round
bring someone down a peg
bring someone down a peg or two
bring someone down to earth
bring someone down to earth or bring someone down to earth with a bang or bring someone down to earth with a bump
bring someone down to earth with a bang
bring someone down to earth with a bump
bring someone in on the ground floor
bring someone into the world
bring someone to his feet
bring suit against
bring to
bring to a close
bring to a dead end
bring to a head
bring to attention
bring to bay
bring to light
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更新时间:2025/1/16 3:37:50