

词组 throw out or toss out
释义 throw out or toss outv.1To put somewhere to be destroyed because not wanted. 扔掉,丢掉。◆ He didn't need the brush anymore so he threw it out.他不再需要那把刷子,所以就把它扔掉了。2To refuse to accept. 拒绝接受。◆ The inspector tossed out all the parts that didn't work.检查员把所有不行的部件都扔了出来。3To force to leave; dismiss. 撵走;解雇。◆ When the employees complained too loudly, the owner threw them out.当雇员们抱怨的声音太响时,雇主便解雇了他们。4To cause to be out in baseball by throwing the ball.(棒球赛中)把…传杀出局。◆ The shortstop tossed the runner out.游击手将对方跑垒员传杀出局。




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