

词组 the pits
释义 the pitsn. slang 1A low class, blighted and ill-maintained place, motel room or apartment. 乱糟糟的低级场所(或汽车旅馆房间、公寓房间)。◆ Max, this motel is the pits; I will not sleep here!马克斯,这家汽车旅馆像个猪圈,我才不睡在这里呢!2The end of the road, the point of no return, the point of total ruin of one's health (from the drug anticulture referring to the arm-pits as the only place that had veins for injections). 穷途末路;有进无退的处境;绝境;身体的崩溃(源自吸毒反文化,指腋窝为唯一可以注射毒品的地方)。◆ John flunked high school this year for the third time; he will never get to college; it's the pits for him.约翰今年已是第三次中学考试不及格了;他永远也进不了大学;大学对他来说是个跨不过去的坎。3A very depressed state of mind. 绝望。◆ Poor Marcy is down in the pits over her recent divorce.可怜的马西因最近的离婚而深感绝望。




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