

词组 fish or cut bait
释义 fish or cut baitv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1Decide what you want to do and stop wasting time; either act now or give someone else a chance or turn. 作出选择不再浪费时间;要么现在去做,要么就让别人做。◆ Jack couldn't decide whether to go to college or get a job, so his father told him to fish or cut bait.杰克不能决定去读大学还是去工作,所以他父亲要他快作选择。2either try hard and do your best, or quit. 要么全力以赴,要么索性放弃。◆ Frank missed football practice so often that the coach told him to fish or cut bait.弗兰克经常不参加橄榄球训练,所以教练对他说要么好好练,要么干脆走人。




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