

词组 the business
释义 the businessn. slang — Usually used with give or get〖俚〗通常与give 或get连用。1All that you are able to do; greatest effort. 最大的努力。◆ Johnny gave the tryouts the business but he failed to make the team.约翰尼在选拔赛时尽了最大努力,但还是没能选上。2The most harm possible; the greatest damage or hurt. 最大的伤害。◆ Fred got the business when Tom caught him with his bicycle.汤姆发现弗雷德偷了他的自行车时,把他狠狠地揍了一顿。3A harsh scolding. 申斥,严厉责骂。◆ The teacher gave Walter the business when he came to school late again.沃尔特上学再一次迟到时,老师把他训斥了一顿。




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