

词组 run down
释义 run downv. (stress on down)(重读down)1To crash against and knock down or sink. 撞倒,撞沉。◆ Jack rode his bicycle too fast and almost ran down his little brother.杰克自行车骑得太快,差点撞倒他的小弟弟。2aTo chase until exhausted or caught. 把…追得筋疲力尽;追获。◆ The dogs ran down the wounded deer.那些狗穷追受伤的鹿,把它抓住了。2bTo find by hard and thorough search; also: trace to its cause or beginning. 查找出;搜索到。◆ The policeman ran down proof that the burglar had robbed the store.警察找到了窃贼盗窃商店的证据。3informal To say bad things about; criticize.〖非正式〗说…的坏话;诽谤;批评。◆ Suzy ran down the club because the girls wouldn't let her join.苏茜因俱乐部里的女生拒收她为会员而对其大肆诽谤。4To stop working; not run or go. 停止运转;(电池等)没电。◆ The battery in Father's car ran down this morning.父亲汽车上的电池今天早晨没电了。5To get into poor condition; look bad. 衰败;破败。◆ A neighborhood runs down when the people don't take care of their houses.如果居民不保养自己的房子,社区就会变得破败不堪。




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