

词组 the bigger they are, the harder they fall
释义 the bigger they are, the harder they fallOften heard when someone in a high position is caught doing something illegal and falls from his or her position, indicating defiance of one's disliked superiors. — A proverb. 〖谚〗个儿越大,摔得越重;官做得越大,摔得越重。◆ When President Nixon was facing impe X~ac~X chment because of the Watergate scandal, and resigned the presidency of the United States, the journalist remarked, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall."当尼克松总统因“水门丑闻”面临弹劾而辞去美国总统之职时,那位记者说:“官做得越大,摔得也越重。”




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