

词组 tear down
释义 tear downv.1To take all down in pieces; destroy. 拆毁;拆除。◆ The workmen tore down the old house and built a new house in its place.工人们拆除了那座老房子,在原地建造了一幢新房子。2To take to pieces or parts. 拆卸。◆ The mechanics had to tear down the engine, and fix it, and put it together again.机修工只得把发动机拆开,修好,然后再把它装上。3To say bad things about; criticize. 说…的坏话;批评。◆ "Why do you always tear people down? Why don't you try to say nice things about them?"“你为什么老是说人们的坏话?为什么不说说人家的好话呢?”




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