

词组 take sb.'s name in vain
释义 take sb.'s name in vainv. phr.1To call upon (God) as a witness to your truth or honesty when you are lying; swear by (God) untruthfully. 滥用某人的名义;指着上帝发假誓。◆ You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.你不可指着上帝发假誓。2informal To talk about a person or mention his name. 〖非正式〗谈论某人;提及某人的名字。◆ "Did I hear someone taking my name in vain?" asked Bill as he joined his friends.“我是不是听到有人在议论我?”比尔一边走到朋友们身边一边问。




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