

词组 subject to
释义 subject toadj. phr.1Under the government or control of; in the power of. 臣服于,隶属于;受制于;在…的控制下。◆ The English colonies in America were subject to the English king.美洲的英国殖民地受英国国王的统治。2Likely to get or have; liable. 易患…的;易受…袭击的。◆ John is in rather poor health and is subject to colds.约翰身体欠佳,动不动就感冒。3Depending on some change, happening, or need. 由…决定的;取决于…的。◆ Agreements made by the President with other countries are subject to the approval of the Senate.总统与其他国家签订的协议须经参议院批准。




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