

词组 storm in a teacup or storm in a spittoon
释义 storm in a teacup or storm in a spittoonn. phr.An insignificant, trifling, local affair that isn't worth noticing, let alone getting involved in. 茶杯(或痰盂)里的风暴;小事引起的轩然大波;小题大作。◆ The Winnetka Ladies' Poetry Club Contest turned into a storm in a teacup.温尼特卡妇女诗社举办的诗歌比赛到后来变得冷冷清清,只得草草收场。◆ The armwrestling match in the local bar became a storm in a spittoon.在当地酒吧举行的扳腕子比赛倒也引起了一点小小的轰动。




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