fingersBrE /ˈfɪŋgəz/ NAmE /ˈfiŋgərz/► SEE ALLget your fingers burntburn your fingershave/keep your fingers crossedcross your fingerswork your fingers to the bonegreen fingersslip through sb’s fingerssnap your fingershave sticky fingersbe all thumbstick sth off on your fingershave your fingers/hand in the tillput/stick two fingers up at sb ●get your ˈfingers burnt●burn your ˈfingerssuffer as a result of doing sth without realizing the possible bad results, especially in business(尤指做生意时)没有先见之明而蒙受损失◆She got her fingers burnt when she set up a business and had all her money stolen by her partner. 她开始做生意时吃了苦头,被合伙人偷走了所有的钱。●have/keep your ˈfingers crossed●cross your ˈfingers (informal) hope that sth will be successful; wish sb good luck祈求成功;祝某人好运◆I’m going to give my first lecture tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed for me, won’t you? 明天是我第一次上课,祝我好运吧!◆Good luck, Ingrid.Fingers crossed! 祝你好运,英格丽德。我为你祈祷!NOTE People often cross the first two fingers of one hand when they use this expression.人们用这个表达法时通常把一只手的前两根手指交叉起来。●work your ˌfingers to the ˈbone (informal) work very hard拼老命干;不停手地干◆It’s not fair — I work my fingers to the bone all day and then I have to cook and clean in the evenings. 这不公平。我白天拼命工作,晚上还得做饭,打扫卫生。●ˌgreen ˈfingers (BrE) (NAmEa ˌgreen ˈthumb) if you have green fingers, you are good at making plants grow精通园艺◆I do envy you your green fingers. Your garden always looks so beautiful.我很羡慕你,你真是个园艺高手,你的花园看上去总是这么漂亮。●slip through sb’s ˈfingers (of an opportunity, money, etc.机会、金钱等) escape or be missed从手指缝里溜走;被错过◆I wouldn’t let a wonderful opportunity like this slip through your fingers if I were you.如果我是你,我不会让这么一个大好机会从手里溜走的。●snap your ˈfingers1.attract sb’s attention by making a sound with your thumb and middle finger打榧子(捻拇指与中指作响以引起某人注意)◆Waiters don’t like customers in restaurants who snap their fingers and shout ‘waiter!’餐馆的服务员不喜欢顾客打榧子,大喊“服务员”! you do not care about sb/sth打响指(以示不屑一顾)◆He snapped his fingers at the committee and walked angrily out of the room.他冲委员们打了个响指,气愤地走出了房间。●have sticky ˈfingers (informal) be likely to steal sth手脚不干净;好偷东西;有小偷小摸毛病◆Be careful about leaving your things lying around. Some people here have got very sticky fingers!当心,别把你的东西四处乱放。这儿有些人手脚不干净!●be all ˈthumbs ( be all ˌfingers and ˈthumbs) be unable to hold sth without dropping or damaging it; be clumsy笨手笨脚;笨拙◆He’s all thumbs when it comes to fixing machines.要说到修机器,他可真是笨手笨脚。●ˌtick sth off on your ˈfingerscheck a list of things by saying them aloud, and touching your fingers one after another at the same time掰着指头清点计算●have your ˌfingers/ˌhand in the ˈtill (BrE, informal) steal, especially small amounts of money from a shop/store, business, etc. where you work偷自己工作单位的钱;监守自盗◆He lost his job after they found he’d had his hand in the till.在被人发现偷公司的钱之后,他被解雇了。●put/stick two ˈfingers up at sb (BrE, informal) form the shape of a V with the two fingers nearest your thumb and raise your hand in the air with the back part of it facing sb, done to be rude to them or to show them that you are angry用手背向某人做出 V 形手势(以示侮辱或生某人的气)◆He must have been furious — he stuck two fingers up at them and walked out of the room.他肯定气坏了。他朝他们竖起两根手指,然后走出房间。