

词组 battle
释义 battle /ˈbætl/ SEE ALL
the battle lines are ˈdrawnused to say that people or groups have shown which side they intend to support in a dispute or contest that is going to begin 战线已经划定(指争战之际各拥一方形成对垒之势);支持者与反对者的界线已划分好The battle lines are being drawn in the fight for control of the company.
a battle of ˈwillsa competition, an argument or a struggle where each side is very determined to win (比赛、争论或斗争中)意志的较量Annie and Phil were engaged in a silent battle of wills, each refusing to leave.
a battle of ˈwitsa competition, an argument or a struggle where each side uses their ability to think quickly to try to win (比赛、争论或斗争中的)智斗It’s a battle of wits between the hero and the villain.
do/join ˈbattle (with sb)fight, compete or argue (with sb) (与某人)激烈斗争(或争论)A group of local parents have decided to join battle with the council about their decision to close two of the town’s schools.
fight a ˌlosing ˈbattletry without success to achieve or prevent sth (为争取或阻止)打一场无望取胜的仗I’m fighting a losing battle with my weight. I can’t lose any.我在减肥,但其实毫无希望,我不可能变瘦的。The police are fighting a losing battle against car theft.警方虽然正在努力打击偷车行为,但不会有什么效果。half the ˈbattle(complete, achieve, etc.) the most difficult part of sth (完成事情)最困难的部分;成功了一半If you manage to keep calm when you’re taking your driving test, that’s half the battle.考驾照时你要是能保持冷静,便等于成功了一半。a ˌpitched ˈbattle1. a fight that involves a large number of people 大规模冲突There was a pitched battle earlier today between police and demonstrators. Two hundred people were injured, ten seriously.今天早些时候警察和示威者发生了混战,两百人受伤,其中十人伤势严重。2. a military battle fought with soldiers arranged in prepared positions 对阵战a running ˈbattlean argument, a dispute, etc. which continues over a long period of time 持续的争论;持久战There’s been a running battle between John and his neighbour for years about their garden wall.约翰和邻居多年来一直为花园围墙而争执不休。 NOTE Running here means ‘continuing’. * running 此处意为“连续不断的”。 an uphill ˈstruggle/ˈbattle/ˈtasksomething that is difficult and takes a lot of effort over a long period of time 艰难费时的斗争/战斗/任务After the recent scandal, he faces an uphill struggle to win back public support before the next election.在最近的丑闻之后,他要在下次竞选前赢回公众支持非常困难。




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