

词组 equal
释义 equal /ˈiːkwəl/ SEE ALL
be without ˈequalhave no ˈequal (formal) be better than anything else or anyone else of the same type 无与伦比;天下无双He was a violinist without equal.
on equal ˈterms (with sb/sth)on the same ˈterms (as sb/sth)with no difference or advantage over another person; as equals (与…)处于平等的地位We’re not competing on equal terms; the other team has one more player.
A good teacher should treat all her students on the same terms.
ˌsome (people, members, etc.) are more equal than ˈothers (saying) although the members of a society, group, etc. appear to be equal, some get better treatment than others 有些人更受优待 ORIGIN This phrase is used by one of the pigs in the book Animal Farm by George Orwell: ‘All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.’ 这个短语源于乔治 ∙ 奥威尔所著《动物庄园》一书中一头猪说的话:“所有动物都平等,但有些动物更平等。”other/all things being ˈequalif nothing else changes; if other conditions remain the same 如果其他情况不变;如果其他条件相同Other things being equal, prices will rise if people’s incomes rise.如果其他条件不变,价格会随着人们收入的增加而上涨。




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