

词组 stand
释义 stand /stænd/ Most idioms containing stand are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example stand on ceremony is at ceremony . 大多数含 stand 的习语列在该类习语中的名词或形容词相关词条下,如 stand on ceremony 在词条 ceremony 下。 SEE ALL
you, he, etc. can’t ˈstand sb/sthyou, he, etc. can’t ˈstand the sight/sound of sb/sth (informal) you, he, etc. dislikes or hates sb/sth or seeing/hearing sb/sth 不能容忍(看到/听到);讨厌If you can’t stand the sight of blood, you won’t make a very good nurse!
I can’t stand the sight of her.
OPP think the world of sb/sth
make a ˈstand (against/for/over/about/on sth)take a ˈstand (on/over sth)argue, protest or fight because of sth you believe in 表明立场;(为信念而)争论,抗议,斗争This must never happen again; it’s time to make a stand.
OPP sit on the fence
stand or ˈfall by sthsucceed or fail, or be judged good or bad, because of one thing 成败(或好坏)取决于A salesman stands or falls by the number of sales he makes — if he doesn’t make enough, he loses his job.
推销员成功与否要看他的销售数量 - 如果业绩不够好,就会丢掉工作。




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