

词组 rope
释义 rope BrE /rəʊp/
NAmE /roʊp/
give sb enough ˈrope (and he’ll/she’ll ˈhang himself/herself) (saying) deliberately give sb enough freedom for them to make a mistake and get into trouble 任由某人自作自受;听任某人自取灭亡The question was vague, giving the candidate enough rope to hang herself.
be at the ˌend of your ˈtether (BrE) (NAmE be at the ˌend of your ˈrope) having no more patience or strength left 受够了;忍无可忍;筋疲力尽After two hours of hearing the children shout and argue, I really was at the end of my tether.听小孩子们吵吵嚷嚷了两个钟头,我真是再也受不了了。money for old ˈrope ( money for ˈjam) (both BrE, informal) money that is earned very easily and with very little effort 很容易赚的钱All I have to do in my job is answer the phone occasionally — it’s money for old rope.我的全部工作只是偶尔接个电话,这钱赚得容易极了。




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